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Dinámica de flujos en sistema Figuera
Hi Mr. Tachyoncatcher - Wow. that is a tong twister 

I just have a question: Why don't you think your comment would not be popular?
Nothing is different now than it was back then, I mean 
they had copper wire, square and round,
they had iron core for the electric coils used, motors AC and DC, lights, and remote controlled boats.
But they did have something back then that they do not have today
electric symbols, physics symbols, engineering symbols, that people of today may know what them mean or not.
back then they had big books of all kinds of knowledge things that people would learn and remember.
today people don't need to know these things because it does not matter.
all people need to know is what other people tell them, that is all that matters
Oops, I guess I am one of them people.

one more question: all these nope: do you have an electrical layout idea of what is the real deal on the CF/b 
patent drawings?
To make a non-moving dynamo generating system that produces more output than input power.

Click or drop some files here to upload - a photo of the drawing would be nice.

Thanks Tom  Oh. and welcome to the Forum, It is nice to have someone comment for a change.
(09-04-2023, 09:57 PM)tachyoncatcher Wrote: This won't be popular but, . . .
But:  What?  Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images.  His use of atmospheric electricity to keep the batteries charged.  Where are the leyden jars?

Hi this is Tom: Where did you read this information about keeping the batteries charged?
I have read this somewhere myself and ( it make a lot of sense it you know things of technology from the past. )
having the mention of batteries draws a point to ( How and why? )

I had mention this to Jim Mac and he did not know anything about this charging of the batteries 
he said " the output would be hooked up to the input and feed itself
and I read that also.

But it is very possible from that time period there were batteries that were used that kept themselves charged without ever needing charging - So my question was - could this be the real power source to the non-moving transforming power device. and not so much the system of design of reproducing the effect of a moving dynamo system in a non-moving transformer system.

It is a point of gathering the right information and back engineering what was done before 1902 using that time frame of technology ( If it seemed to produce more output power than input power the batteries may be the key )

It is not so much how the design is shown on the patent as thinking like the inventor of the design on the patent.

I mean it is just sticks and wires after all.

Thanks Tom aka Dr. Wlazlak
Buenos días señores, he comprobado las diferentes opiniones vertidas y NO aclaran el tema de la dinámica de flujos magnéticos en un triplete Figuera, yo inicié este hilo con el propósito de intentar aclarar este asunto qué para mí es el más importante de todos, en el sistema Figuera, el resto es usar herramientas, máquinas herramientas y materiales, sin más obstáculos.
Yo, me propuse entender y experimentar una parte fundamental de lo especificado, en las patentes de Figuera, cómo es la no actuación ( o actuación de diferente modo ) de la ley de Lenz debido a la ausencia de tener que vencer fuerzas atractivas en su sistema. , está es la finalidad de este hilo, espero que sea entendido y viertan opiniones de este asunto, pues sería muy interesante contrastar dichas opiniones y extraer conclusiones entre todos.
Muchas gracias !!
(09-05-2023, 03:29 AM)Dr.Wlazlak Wrote: I had mention this to Jim Mac and he did not know anything about this charging of the batteries 
he said " the output would be hooked up to the input and feed itself
and I read that also.

So my question was - could this be the real power source to the non-moving transforming power device. and not so much the system of design of reproducing the effect of a moving dynamo system in a non-moving transformer system.

yes, every patent says this same clause in 1 way or another:  "From this current is derived a small part to excite the machine converting it in self-exciting and to operate the small motor which moves the brush and the switch; the external current supply, this is the feeding current, is removed and the machine continue working without any help indefinitely."

Besides Figuera's excellent credentials, his partner Buforn  passed a “Test of Practical Implementation of the Invention” before the patent office and his official agents to testify  the working of his 1910 patent (patent No. 40706). The report is available but it gives very few details of the test. All Buforn´s patents were in force until 1914 when he stopped paying further annual fees


This is one of the only claims that has this much backing and legitimacy behind it. Nikola Tesla spoke of him, his reputation, patent office tests, and a clear gain mechanism involving how the reciprocal field affects the primary from a shrinking magnetic field. 

I digress to say- either the patents hid pertinent information when written- or the patents were altered by those who do not want this info public. But with the clues we do have, I believe we can figure it out.  

This is why I spend the time, money and resources on this project.
As we know, in a Figuera triplet there are three magnetic fluxes involved, one in expansion, another in contraction and if connected, in the induced coil, a charge is present Lenz and the magnetic field associated with induction, the relationship of these three magnetic fields is what is really transcendent, since this relationship is what allows us to extract or transfer energy to the system
There are many ways to waste time, ideas and money, searching in Figuera may be one more, but this is the chosen and voluntary one, there are many systems that promise to extract energy and no one has achieved it (as far as I know) for this reason , we must continue searching, although the flow dynamics in the Figuera system is just another piece and without much importance
(09-08-2023, 07:28 AM)Escumo Wrote: Como sabemos, en un triplete de Figuera intervienen tres flujos magnéticos, uno en expansión, otro en contracción y si se conectan, en la bobina inducida, está presente una carga de Lenz y el campo magnético asociado a la inducción, la relación de estos tres magnéticos. campos es lo realmente trascendente, ya que esta relación es la que nos permite extraer o transferir energía al sistema.
Hay muchas maneras de perder tiempo, ideas y dinero, buscar en Figuera puede ser una más, pero esta es la elegida y voluntaria. , hay muchos sistemas que prometen extraer energía y nadie lo ha logrado (que yo sepa) por eso hay que seguir buscando, aunque la dinámica de flujo en el sistema Figuera es una pieza más y sin mucha importancia.
La inducción eléctrica puede ser de dos tipos; a) dinámico, hay movimiento entre el inductor y la armadura de modo que la inducción aumenta dependiendo de la proximidad del inductor a la armadura. Para ello es necesario aumentar la fuerza ejercida sobre el inductor para contrarrestar la oposición creada por la armadura. En otras palabras, es necesaria la fuerza mecánica. para poder hacerlo. b) estático, no hay movimiento entre inductor y armadura, la inducción se logra aumentando la intensidad del campo magnético del inductor para superar la oposición que ofrece la armadura. Hay una regla que dice: el orden de los factores no altera el producto, es decir, de una forma u otra se logra el mismo resultado, por lo que debe haber una manera de comparar los dos procedimientos, en ambos fuerza y desplazamiento. son necesarios.
La inducción eléctrica puede ser de dos tipos; a) dinámico, hay movimiento entre el inductor y la armadura de modo que la inducción aumenta dependiendo de la proximidad del inductor a la armadura. Para ello es necesario aumentar la fuerza ejercida sobre el inductor para contrarrestar la oposición creada por la armadura. En otras palabras, es necesaria la fuerza mecánica. para poder hacerlo. b) estático, no hay movimiento entre inductor y armadura, la inducción se logra aumentando la intensidad del campo magnético del inductor para superar la oposición que ofrece la armadura. Hay una regla que dice: el orden de los factores no altera el producto, es decir, de una forma u otra se logra el mismo resultado, por lo que debe haber una manera de comparar los dos procedimientos, en ambos fuerza y desplazamiento. son necesarios,
bobina y su funcionamiento : Fuerza Contra Electromotriz ( FCEM ) y Fuerza Extra Electromotriz ( FEEM ) Contracorriente ( receptor eléctrico ) frente a Extracorriente ( generador eléctrico ), la pregunta está ¿en porqué se crea un galimatías para entender su funcionamiento?
Dynamic moving magnetic fields - created with static induction.

8 pairs of Electromagnets.  Makes 4 phases.

Combine 2 magnetic fields 90 degrees apart to create 1 magnetic field 45 degrees between the 2 electromagnet waves.

Now 2 pairs can series together so we have 4 series strings.

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