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Dinámica de flujos en sistema Figuera

You may want to experimenting with the size of the contacts where the two end contacts connect as 1.  These 2 end contacts control the peaks of your two waves.

The Figuera drawings show 1 input polarity being used and his writing is clear that 2 polarity AC come out the output.  

To get your induced wave to be 2 equal polarities, you must only start shrinking the magnetic field when the induced voltage is at zero.  Only then can the induced wave be equal on both sides, negative and positive.

So if your 2 contacts at the ends are large enough to cause a delay that matches your coil's capacitance, when the wave is at peak, it delays there and stops the magnetic change for a time.  This allows the induced wave to fall to zero BEFORE shrinking the wave.  Only then can the induced wave penetrate deep into the opposite polarity when shrinking the wave.  And it is that reverse polarity that is responsible for eliminating Lenz.

I have replicated this on both the real resistor rig AND a signal generator.  If you want, I can record a demonstration

In summary, it takes some extra power initially to cause the top flatline delay, but if timed correctly in regards to your coils, you can get that extra power you input back from reactance. So it could cost you next to nothing extra. But the decline (because it now starts at zero) causes magnetic flux changes in the coil and produces real usable power on the downward stroke.
Gracias Jim, poco a poco vamos cerrando el círculo, esto que me dices ya lo habíamos discutido o hablado, pero, no probado teóricamente llegamos a esa conclusión hace unos meses, pero es muy buena noticia si puedes hacer pruebas y mostrarlas en un vídeo,Yo no tengo canal de YouTube y lo que hago no puedo mostrarlo, si pudiéramos hacer un canal de Telegram,  hay si puedo adjuntar mis vídeos, cómo lo ves ?? crear un canal de chat en Telegram múltiple donde se puedan unir los colegas, que quieran, que están aquí y poder intercambiar vídeos de modo más rápido sería más eficaz para todos.

Thanks Jim, little by little we are closing the circle, what you tell me we had already discussed or talked about, but, not theoretically proven, we came to that conclusion a few months ago, but it is very good news if you can do tests and show them in a video, I don't have a YouTube channel and what I do I can't show, if we could make a Telegram channel, can I attach my videos, how do you see it? Creating a multiple Telegram chat channel where colleagues who want to, who are here, can join and be able to exchange videos more quickly would be more effective for everyone.
Cómo bien sabemos en un triplete Figuera existen tres flujos magnéticos implicados, uno en expansión, otro en contracción y si hay conectada, en la bobina inducida, una carga se hace presente Lenz y el campo magnético asociado a la inducción, la relación de estos tres campos magnéticos es lo realmente transcendente, pues, dicha relación  es la qué nos permite extraer o ceder energía al sistema, así y a modo de recordatorio, podemos decir qué el sistema Figuera no es una máquina concreta, es un fundamento técnico por el cuál se puede realizar inducción eléctrica de modo diferente al método usado por Faraday / Lenz, ósea, Figuera / No Lenz, en este método de inducción Lenz, no actúa o mejor, actúa de modo diferente, no resta, al contrario suma.
Los últimos avances realizados en este multiforo, o multihilos, están muy bien, pues, no dejan de confirmar lo anterior, Jim está haciendo un gran trabajo y nos lo muestra de modo auténtico ( gracias ).
La configuración en Figuera está ya definida anteriormente en este mi hilo, la dinámica de flujos magnéticos en un triplete Figuera, y se basa en pruebas realizadas por mí en analógico, es decir, con un  conmutador mecánico dispuesto de modo, tal cual viene definido en la patente de Figuera.
La configuración en el sistema de inducción es la siguiente:
El primario está compartido en dos bobinados dispuestos sobre núcleos diferentes unidos donde se sitúa un sólo bobinado secundario, ósea, un bobinado primario doble induciendo sobre un solo bobinado secundario, está configuración hace posible qué la ley de Lenz actúe de modo diferencial al sistema Faraday, en este caso, Lenz se desvía y no hay fuerzas magnéticas atractivas que vencer ( cómo nos dice Figuera en sus patentes ) y con ello Lenz actúa de modo diferente, de negativo pasa a positivo, y el resultado cambia.
Figuera descubrió un modo diferente de inducción y no una máquina concreta, cómo también nos dice en sus patentes, él descubrió un fundamento técnico o científico y lo patentaba para qué cualquier máquina que se hiciese bajo ese fundamento estuviera amparada por dicha patente de invención.
Claramente fue olvidado y no explotado, que yo sepa, dando por sentado que el único sistema de inducción fue el descubierto por Faraday / Lenz

As we know, in a Figuera triplet there are three magnetic fluxes involved, one in expansion, another in contraction and if connected, in the induced coil, a charge is present Lenz and the magnetic field associated with induction, the relationship of these three magnetic fields is what is truly transcendent, therefore, this relationship is what allows us to extract or transfer energy to the system, thus and as a reminder, we can say that the Figuera system is not a specific machine, it is a technical foundation by which it can be perform electrical induction in a different way than the method used by Faraday / Lenz, in other words, Figuera / Not Lenz, in this induction method Lenz, does not act or better, acts differently, it does not subtract, on the contrary it adds.
The latest advances made in this multiforum, or multithread, are very good, since they do not fail to confirm the above, Jim is doing a great job and shows it to us in an authentic way (thank you).
The configuration in Figuera is already defined previously in this my thread, the dynamics of magnetic fluxes in a Figuera triplet, and is based on tests carried out by me in analogue, that is, with a mechanical switch arranged in the same way as it is defined in Figuera's patent.
The configuration in the induction system is as follows:
The primary is shared in two windings arranged on different joined cores where a single secondary winding is located, that is, a double primary winding inducing on a single secondary winding, this configuration makes it possible for Lenz's law to act differentially to the Faraday system, In this case, Lenz deviates and there are no attractive magnetic forces to overcome (as Figuera tells us in his patents) and with this Lenz acts differently, from negative to positive, and the result changes.
Figuera discovered a different mode of induction and not a specific machine, as he also tells us in his patents, he discovered a technical or scientific foundation and patented it so that any machine made under that foundation would be covered by said invention patent. .
It was clearly forgotten and not exploited, as far as I know, assuming that the only induction system was the one discovered by Faraday/Lenz
figueramaniacos is the way I thought of calling people with a mania for discovering the phenomenon that Figuera discovered, the infinite energy machine, I am very afraid that in this new year 2024 we will have to continue with FIGUERAMANIA, so, cheers to continue the work, although I believe this new year we will be able to advance a lot, but I believe we must have some clear topics, such as, for example and most importantly, not letting the leaves of the forest prevent you from seeing the path, it is very good to chat about everything that You may want to, but a force without direction is a lost force, or as they say around here, “he who covers a lot does not take much” in short, I hope I don't continue to be lost in the forest.
justo se está ante lo dicho por Figuera en sus patentes  “ la consecuencia o el resultado  de una corriente eléctrica que atraviesa un campo magnético “ esto está muy trillado y somos conscientes de lo que ocurre, aunque hay más vídeos que muestran lo mismo, cómo la intensidad eléctrica disminuye al poner carga en un circuito donde se realiza inducción a diferencia de cómo nos asegura la ley de inducción de Faraday / Lenz, ya lo he comentado y no pretendo ponerme pesado, hay más vídeos donde se puede ver el mismo resultado, es un sistema muy simple que lo he explicado en este hilo, pero como digo, no pretendo ser protagonista de nada ni llevar razón por llevarla. mis opiniones se basan en pruebas y ensayos realizados por mi  y puestos a disposición en un canal de Telegram en código abierto donde pueden ver los resultados

We are just looking at what Figuera said in his patents “the consequence or result of an electric current that passes through a magnetic field” this is very well-worn and we are aware of what happens, although there are more videos that show the same thing, how the Electrical intensity decreases when a charge is placed in a circuit where induction is carried out, unlike how the Faraday/Lenz law of induction assures us. I have already mentioned it and I do not intend to get annoying, there are more videos where you can see the same result, it is a very simple system that I have explained in this thread, but as I say, I do not pretend to be the protagonist of anything or be right for doing so. My opinions are based on tests and trials carried out by me and made available on an open source Telegram channel where you can see the results
I guess you are right, Faraday/Lenz laws are violated when induction is made with help of magnetic field created by dc.

So, what is the role of resistor rig ? According to Figuera patent is moving the magnetic field in one direction. There are 7 assemblies and each one have 3 windings on it, 2 for electromagnets and one for output.
How they work ? N coil receive dc at first without any part of resistance from resistor rig, than contact moves on first section of the resistance from resistor rig and the coil receiving won’t have enough power to energise the whole coil because resistance will prevent than on next contact, coil will receive a higher resistance as moves to cover 2 sections of resistance from resistor rig and so on. Now if we look at magnetic field we can observe that every time when more resistance is added the coil will be shorter or better said only a part of the coil will radiate magnetic field so the right sequence is 8/8 8/7 8/6 … 8/1 from its length, than on S coil it will happen the same. Now look at the whole picture and see how the magnetic field is switched off in one direction in cascade, along the whole output coil.

So, all electromagnet coil are energised from resistor rig. The fact that there are 3 coils on a single core might trick you to see that in fact you have an electromagnet which is energised in segments inside of the output coil and being energised in segments represent the movement of a bar magnet in and out inside the output coil.

Think of right hand rule for magnetic field and electric flow. Just put your hand next to the output coil and visualise what is happening in electromagnets … this will tell you how to wire the coils for electromagnets and where magnetic field appear for each segment switched on/off

This is a brilliant idea to avoid drag from permanent magnets and increased efficiency fro having 100% of the wires in output coil induced when compared with a rotary dynamo/alternator because of the position of magnets to allow a rotor.

Now if we understand this concept of induction without moving parts, many methods and design can be done to obtain the same results or better.

After this part is understood we can move to wiring the output for further increase of power and how to direct a little part of output back in the system to power itself.
Sí, la inducción que se realiza en sistema Figuera es diferente a la normalizada por Faraday / Lenz donde la intensidad De la Fuente aumenta al cargar el secundario, Si puedes entra en el canal y observa los vídeos colgados y podrás comprobarlo y después comentas qué opinas

Yes, the induction carried out in the Figuera system is different from the one normalized by Faraday / Lenz where the intensity of the Source increases when the secondary is loaded. If you can, enter the channel and watch the videos posted and you can check it and then comment what you think un
Resistor rig from the patent can be compared with radio ham where we adjust frequency by moving a contact along the solenoid and using only part of the coil … this is what rotary commutator doing with resistor rig.

For those with a better understanding with help of the mathematical skills:

Easy to understand why resistance is used as parametric excitation in this way, where we can manipulate inductance, impedance and capacitance of the whole circuit and how frequency of changing influence all of them.
Si alguien está interesado en seguir el desarrollo analógico de la dinámica del flujo magnético en un triplete Figuera aquí está este hilo donde he tratado de desarrollarlo, no obstante quien quiera visitar el canal de Telegram en post más arriba hay invitación al canal en él, hay vídeos más antiguos  que prueban lo que digo, yo sólo he tratado el sistema en analógico no uso electrónica ni digital ni analógica, sólo el conmutador Figuera y la configuración geométrica del triplete Figuera qué iguala al signo infinito. En todo momento he tratado de usar las mismas cosas que pudiera tener Figuera en su tiempo
These videos were sent to me from Escumo.  please direct questions and comments to user Escumo..  It may take me 3-4 posts to get them all here


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