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Why Virtual Rotating Magnetic Fields May Be The Key
Yes Jim, that is correct. This is the difference between using ground as safety feature or as a loop to mirror the circuit and amplify. This is what i was trying to explain in other discussions and obviously i failed.

If you have 2 loops and connect positive of 1 to negative of second and positive of second to negative of 1 we get your figure 8.

Consider any close circuit as being a loop. So a single power source is powering 2 loops (circuits) and you link them by making 2 ground references and in this way you obtain 2 power source where you spend energy in just 1 as being the disturbance in local environment. If impedance match for both loops power transfer is in theory 100% efficient between loops. So, one loop create all the effects we want to be mirrored in second loop with the difference that second loop will have as power source the environment which will create an equal reaction to bring the equilibrium back to zero. So all taken out energy must happen in second loop where we don’t and must not supply anything.

So, second loop must be connected with the first by magnetic path. Magnetic field means instant action at distance of equal forces as long as both loops are placed in the same magnetic field. Where each ground connection is used for each loop. Obviously we can connect as many loops as physically possible in the same magnetic field and multiply the output with each loop without spending more energy than energise the first loop.

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