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Harvesting The Current That Raises Your Source Current..
Es posible y todos lo sabemos qué la conversión V en I lo demás por sentado que es como nos lo han enseñado, pero, hay muchos tipos de transformadores igual pasa con los motores eléctricos, si vemos un inductor como un transformador este sería sin secundario entonces el primario hace de secundario  también o el inducido compartido entre más de uno, la inducción cambiaria de valores, la potencia de paso y potencia propia de transformador cambian, mi línea de investigación está fundada en estos principios del transformador, son básicos, pero, limitan las acciones de ja V y la I y esto es lo interesante
Hi thanks for your reply. (I am downunder at +12 GMT here).
Yes I get the principle you are wanting to show.
Perhaps just use half wave rectification at least that way we get a half wave pulse then a rest time, to allow for some self demagnetisation.
Just because the current goes to zero, doesn't mean the transformer flux has gone to zero. 
Like the magnetised screwdriver kicking around in our toolbox, it has to be de magnetised opposite way to come back to zero again, which wastes energy as we know.
Sometimes folks use a permanent magnet against the iron core to provide this pull back, demagnetising energy.
here is an example of how a pulsed coil on a toroid can make the core nearly invisible to another winding or even a magnet on a rotor.

this is the idea from the Steorn Orbo motor from some years ago. the rotor magnets are attracted to the toroid core. right at tdc the winding is pulsed and saturates the core causing the passing magmet to no longer be attracted to the core and the magnet passes by, and then the next rotor magnet approaches.

this is the same in a transformer. without a load on the secondary, the primary has the core to work with alone as a high inductance. when we load the secondary, the primary no longer has the whole core as part of its inductance value, thus the impedance of the primary goes down and more current flows through the primary.


also, the magnets passing the orbo winding do not alter the input, which is an advantage stated by Steorn.
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