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The key to this subject is something that run using no energy to run on
The term Perpetual motion machine: 
Could mean a machine that runs without using energy to run on - not forever - just in perpetual motion.
Gravity and magnetic are said not to be Energy - Just because -
But the (potential energy) that makes the (kinetic energy) from the forces of Gravity and magnetic forces are Energy.
Therefor: the end results of using Gravity and magnetic forces can produce a Perpetual motion device of sort.
There is a type of machine that uses NefeB magnetic forces and the use of Gravity in combo to produce an effect of constant kinetic energy of rotary movement. 
The machine has not been built but the workings to make this device work have been tested and proved it is possible to build such a device that would work. until at least it run out of magnetic force or breaks.
(The drawings can be shared if interested.)
The working concept of this device is not complicated but needs to be addressed to understand why the normal counter reaction to the Action force does not apply in this technology. only friction needs to be overcome but the energy output of this technology can be many times over coming the friction issue.
If this was an electric motor type device the term would be the Back EMF is not present in this device - no clogging -
AS it were to be said.
Anyway: There are lots of ways to do the impossible it is just knowing a few simple answers to How it is possible.
Tryal an error is how most things become possible - at least that is the way I play with the unknown.
Again: Fun Stuff
(08-26-2023, 09:39 PM)Dr.Wlazlak Wrote: The term Perpetual motion machine: 
Could mean a machine that runs without using energy to run on - not forever - just in perpetual motion.
Gravity and magnetic are said not to be Energy - Just because -
But the (potential energy) that makes the (kinetic energy) from the forces of Gravity and magnetic forces are Energy.
Therefor: the end results of using Gravity and magnetic forces can produce a Perpetual motion device of sort.
There is a type of machine that uses NefeB magnetic forces and the use of Gravity in combo to produce an effect of constant kinetic energy of rotary movement. 
The machine has not been built but the workings to make this device work have been tested and proved it is possible to build such a device that would work. until at least it run out of magnetic force or breaks.
(The drawings can be shared if interested.)
The working concept of this device is not complicated but needs to be addressed to understand why the normal counter reaction to the Action force does not apply in this technology. only friction needs to be overcome but the energy output of this technology can be many times over coming the friction issue.
If this was an electric motor type device the term would be the Back EMF is not present in this device - no clogging -
AS it were to be said.
Anyway: There are lots of ways to do the impossible it is just knowing a few simple answers to How it is possible.
Tryal an error is how most things become possible - at least that is the way I play with the unknown.
Again: Fun Stuff

Absolutely post the diagrams and explanations. Our terminology may differ a bit, but I can probably follow without much problem. 

A generator bogs under load because of Lenz force. Passing a permanent magnet across a coil causes the coil's magnetic field to oppose the motion of the passing magnets. It flips in the center of a coil.  On the approach, the coil repels the rotor from coming in, the after the magnet passes the center and tries to leave, the coil flips polarities and tries to attract the permanent magnet to prevent it from leaving.

Without a doubt, a generator could absolutely produce much more out than in if this weren't the case.  I search for a method that does this- and I am very deep into one approach I believe will work if constructed correctly.  I'd be interested to see if your method has much in common with what I work on.
Hi Jim Mac, I tried to put the photos of the drawings on this page
but they did not load or they did not show up
is there a trick to load photos?
otherwise Email me -
And I will give you the photos of the drawings

Thanks Tom ps you can apply them to this string as needed for questions or whatever you like.
Hey Tom,

Use the reply button, not the quick reply.  Once you select the photo, there is writing under it that says "attach to post".

Alternatively you could just email them to the same email I replied to your initial request. And I will post em.
There are photos of the technology but the photo files are 270 megabytes and are too large to go through
the amount allows only 500 kilobites max on the click to drop files upload box below : bummer, bummer
So perhaps this is a no photo string or posting for me at least. again, Bummer - bummer

Hi Tom, Jim
I would be interested in seeing the details as well. I've built many devices, but they always find balance in the end.
Also I've found that shorting the coils just as they flip their polarity you can collect extra charge in capacitors.
Thanks interesting stuff.

here is an image that Tom sent me. (hope you don't mind me sharing Tom)..

With my schedule- I will need a few days to look at it deeply.  But It looks like Tom is open to answer questions- so let the convo continue..

Hi Shylo, For every action there is and equal an sometimes not the same reaction 
But nature tries very hard to make in the end a balanced universe.

Because I am unable to put my drawing on this forum I will give the drawing to Jim and Yes please put all the drawing I send
on the forum pages. Thanks

Shylo, I have found A few ways of producing an effect where the counter reaction is lesser then the Action forces
Using these methods Non-electric Or Electric motors can be built that run on energy that does not run out.

There are 2 ways of getting this information contact me direct 
Or wait for something to happen on this forum
Whatever you wish I have no problem with either chose.

Thanks Tom aka. Dr. Wlazlak
Thanks for sharing Jim
Hi Tom in the drawing are the two disks covered with wire?
Also is the coil wound on the iron core and sandwiched between the disks?
Last but not least is the magnet stationary since the bolt that goes through it threads into the rotor?

These drawing should go under the Electric EttCM motor Post just put on your forum
Thanks Tom


The outer rotator bar on the brass rod is aluminum - the magnets are facing as shown 
The S to N is On and the washer shows the pull force as to the angel of the string
The N to N is almost Off as shown to the angle of the string
The aluminum bar holding the outer magnets can turn to change the pull direction from one side to the other
normally this would take as much power to turn as it could produce BUT -
This design is in Balance that means It takes almost no power to turn from one side to the other or about 1/50 of the total output
So a motor design using this design could be easy 10 to 1 over output energy -- using no Energy to run on - as it is permanent magnet powered
One motor design could be
Geared to move 1 to 1 together same direction 


A larger view of the EttCM power hub 


This shows the outer magnetic ring does not turn and the inner magnetic ring turns and as it turns it is in balance but
the magnetic force to the output ring is changed per where the N to N is Off and The S to N is ON in pull force to a steel rotating drum as on 
the motor above.
I know this a lot of information: take you time reviewing it - any question feel free to ask

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