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Permanent Magnet Physics
Informational files I have been working on

Attached Files
.pdf   Magnets Motion and Measurement part 1-11.pdf (Size: 3.43 MB / Downloads: 35)
.pdf   Magnetic Force Measurement 2 pn.pdf (Size: 636.44 KB / Downloads: 23)
.pdf   ForceGraphing 2-2c.pdf (Size: 8.23 MB / Downloads: 21)
.pdf   InverseSquare 2G2Pn.pdf (Size: 2.26 MB / Downloads: 18)
.pdf   Diminishing Return 2-2e pn.pdf (Size: 2.41 MB / Downloads: 16)
.pdf   MagnetBasicsCombined 1-5-i pn.pdf (Size: 4.8 MB / Downloads: 19)
My quasi replication of the Kedron Eden project.

.pdf   Kedron_EDEN_Project.pdf (Size: 6.08 MB / Downloads: 24)
.pdf   Shear to direct pull.pdf (Size: 557.05 KB / Downloads: 15) It yeilds a net gain in kenetic energy by means of
permanent magnet interactions.

Explorations by
Butch LaFonte AKA user GammaRayBurst @OU.Com

"Pseudo solid" magnet interactions

Attached Files
.pdf   Psuedo Solid Explained 7.pdf (Size: 1.05 MB / Downloads: 12)
.pdf   PseudoSolidMotorV2-b.pdf (Size: 336.79 KB / Downloads: 28)
Magnets are not springs

Force neutralization through balancing
north with south and disallowing motion
in specific right angle directions.
(no motion = no kinetic energy expended)

more complexing

Complimentary to / complexing of the
"Rack action 2 complete 3 pn" PDF file.

see previous post

Note The "fine tuning" magnets in the drawing, are to improve
the ease of insertion and removal of the shield magnets

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.pdf   Magnets are not springs 2.pdf (Size: 466.23 KB / Downloads: 16)
.pdf   Magnets are not springs 3.pdf (Size: 189.77 KB / Downloads: 8)
.pdf   Magnetic Shielding.pdf (Size: 58.92 KB / Downloads: 16)
.pdf   NewtonsMagnets pn 3.pdf (Size: 213.11 KB / Downloads: 14)
.pdf   Rack action 2 complete 3 pn.pdf (Size: 457.36 KB / Downloads: 21)
.pdf   Mirror Engine 4new all pn.pdf (Size: 1.45 MB / Downloads: 21)
.pdf   RtAngleSlide.pdf (Size: 213.72 KB / Downloads: 12)
I missed uploading a file in my first post in this topic.
It is part of a set of 2 files.
Both files are attached here

Attached Files
.pdf   InverseSquare 1bPn.pdf (Size: 2.17 MB / Downloads: 17)
.pdf   InverseSquare 2G2Pn.pdf (Size: 2.26 MB / Downloads: 20)
I appreciate you sharing all your work.  Do you have any possible design plans to put the effect into use?
The primary goal has been to present a way for others
to see for their self that over unity can be done.

At this point in time, ACTUALLY seeing and understanding this, ones self,
is a critical element in humanity's taking a next step forward in consciousness.

To believe something is not the same as knowing something.
Remove all doubt and see, know and understand.

Participate in this change by doing so. No other action is needed
except for A CRITICAL MASS to do this. Some will of course take it farther.
(11-15-2023, 10:34 PM)floor Wrote: The primary goal has been to present a way for others
to see for their self that over unity can be done. 

At this point in time, ACTUALLY seeing and understanding this, ones self,
is a critical element in humanity's taking a next step forward in consciousness.

To believe something is not the same as knowing something.
                  Remove all doubt and see, know and understand.

Participate in this change by doing so. No other action is needed
except for  A CRITICAL MASS to do this.  Some will of course take it farther.


Also keep in mind that using a catalyst leads to quicker and more efficient reactions.  A group of metal balls may move in time with the gradual changing of the wind, but a larger ball bumping into them will certainly move those balls quicker. The catalyst (ie. the larger ball) only induces movement if the catalyst itself is in motion. 

To influence the winds of change, or to become the catalyst itself. That is the question.
To control or influence other people is not the goal.
All this is just open source stuff.
This is not an attempt to get people to do something.

That choice to know rather than simply believe, is not available
to every one at this time.

"You take the red pill or you take the blue, all I'm offering is the truth".

To replicate the "twist Drive" and then to understand that it is O.U... is to know
that O.U. can be done. It is a choice, to know or not to know. Any person who
has chosen to do so, no longer stands in the same place.

The vast majority of seekers will never find. They are too identified with being a
yeah, no intention of forcing anyone, but I do hope we influence more people to push the boundaries of what we are told is possible.

Your work is very thorough and inspiring.
(11-17-2023, 12:01 PM)Jim Mac Wrote: yeah, no intention of forcing anyone, but I do hope we influence more people to push the boundaries of what we are told is possible.

Your work is very thorough and inspiring.

Thanks dude.

your's as well

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