I am starting this thread to share some informations about my thoughts and experiments that could be useful for others.
Just now I read info from Vladimir Utkin, which can be downloaded for example from here
Actually I try to simulate this circuit (page 4 in pdf)
I am using falstad simulator
Here is the simulated circuit
Simulation is made by switching main switch - always to max charge of the capacitor until other switching position.
You have two 5 volt batteries and you can charge the capacitor to large volume.
It is interesting for me.
Just now I read info from Vladimir Utkin, which can be downloaded for example from here
Actually I try to simulate this circuit (page 4 in pdf)
I am using falstad simulator
Here is the simulated circuit
Simulation is made by switching main switch - always to max charge of the capacitor until other switching position.
You have two 5 volt batteries and you can charge the capacitor to large volume.
It is interesting for me.