05-13-2024, 04:28 AM
Introducing new Magnetic Properties
The information we will now cover needs to be referred to in real terms, that is in reference to reality not theory. The first step is to establish that mathematical concept and mathematical actuality, will in many cases provide two entirely different solutions to the same equation.
This presents us with the problem of having two different solutions to an identical mathematical equation. If both solutions can be proved to be true then we need to add more parameters and define the method in which we derived these solutions.
1+1=2 1+1=1
Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Both of the equations in Figure 1. lack the necessary definition required to conclude the correct solution since either one may be correct within its own terms of reference.
In the equation 1+1=2 we are using the mathematical concept of procession, i.e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 etc. It is this assumption of procession that leads us to conclude the solution of two.
Whilst a system of procession is a good basis for understanding it is not the only possibility since 1+1=1 is a mathematical actuality. We need to examine how both equations apply to a real event in order to widen their parameters so they can be used as a base for better understanding.
page 1
In the widely taught equation of 1+1=2 we also use the concept of association as an extra parameter for determining a solution in a real event.
For a mathematical equation to be of any practical use it must be linked to association of a real event. An example of how we use the concept of association would be one object plus one object equals two objects.
We can define our equation even further by being more accurate about our objects. If our objects were magnets we would have:
[N S] + [N S] = [N S] [N S]
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
In Figure 2. by using the concept of procession and defined association we now have an equation that is measurable in real terms.
Also in the above case we have a situation where mathematical concept is in agreement with actuality. This means the actual solution is the same as the concept solution. We have already stated that the concept of procession does not always work in a real event which brings us back to 1+1=2.
To further advance the parameters of this equation we need to place it into a real event situation and observe the outcome. The selection of magnets in figure 2. to further define our objects were not a random choice since a magnet is surrounded by an easily measurable field. It is these fields we will be observing in our next real event.
Page 2
In figure 3. below we can observe and measure the outcome of combining two fields being of two permanent magnets which are placed together. Where as in figure 4. we can observe and measure an entirely different outcome using the same magnets but combining then in a different method.
[NS] [NS]
Figure 3
[NS] [SN] or [SN] [NS]
Figure 4
In figure 3. the method used to combine the fields produces the outcome of having a single combined field, where as the method used in figure 4. produces the outcome of two separate fields even though they are in physical contact with each other.
It could be said that figure 3 represents the equation 1+1=1 whilst figure 4 represents the equation 1+1=2.
The practical application of New Concepts
In this Magnetic Field Science we discuss the Energy of Magnets and their associated Fields and some new theories where energy can originate, along with new design concepts for electro-magnetic manifestations.
Explaining the Magnetic Field Science of this new methodology mathematically, we have reproduced above, ‘the first 3 pages of a book written in 1996 on this Field Science called “Q Mechanics” by TJ Skrinjar. So named as being a reference to ‘Q’ from the original Star Trek series where ‘Q’ was God in human body form. This book explains ‘God Science’. The symbology on the cover of Q Mechanics represents the ‘Off World’ language of “Heskin” which is a 3D pictorial Information transfer system that has ‘inspired’ other 2D pictogram languages in earths past. A literal translation of the pictograms on the cover would be, ‘all that is inside and typed in English’ as a picture is worth a 1000 words. It takes a book to translate what these symbols say.
Page 1 is about ADDING of Magnetic Fields together.
1+1 =1 refers to when two magnets are joined or added together in the usual way, the resultant Field properties do not change. No increase in Gauss or strength as one way to understand it.
Page 2 adds further to this understanding.
Page 3 shows 'another' way to COMBINE magnetic Fields or the placing of two same poles together. This principle is used with the Magnets in the In-Line Magnetic JoeCell or the Aqua Chi/BEFE Water Module. This 7 ringed water module is one of the few magnetic Field generating devices available that exhibits this same Pole together concept and introduces a Neutral Plate between the same Fields for utilizing the New Field effect. The Aqua Chi is a remarkable healing tool and very practical device for learning how magnetic water affects the very fabric of matter. Joe explains and shows the real effects to the Field change here… https://rumble.com/v4odo38-joe-may-2010-magnetic.html
This combining rather than adding Fields together, changes the “Magnetic Field" giving a New Field completely 'different' to the usual one when just 2 magnets are joined in the usual way resulting in no change to the Field. Here when we combine two Fields together, we see it as 1+1=2, which reflects a different result than the usual adding two magnets together.
In the Magnetic In-Line Cell as built by Joe, Joe combines 2 ring magnet’s Fields together by placing the SAME poles together also with a Neutral Plate between. This expands to another possibility that 2 distinct new Field Properties, the joining of 2 North‘s or 2 South’s together can be utilized independently and never before patented as a New Methodology, that give two distinct or opposite ‘effects’ when these 2 same pole Fields are applied to Fluids flowing within the centre of the ring magnets. There are many new effects that these “mono Pole” Fields can have on a wide range of industrial and home applications.
On a side note, one guy from Melbourne actually glued 2 same poles together trying to reverse engineer Joe's Cell. He even posted them to Joe and asked "is this correct"? We wondered how he managed to do it and what would be the resultant damage if it became unglued.
The Addition of a Neutral Plate like an iron washer between the same poles with the right ratio and dimensions, sees them attract together quite easily and display a significant or up to 4 fold increase of Gauss if you want to measure it. This constitutes a MONO POLE DESIGN and is the IP of Joe as a Design Copy Write for Magnetic Field focusing, placement and transference of a new never seen before Magnetic Field effect or outcome when combining Fields.
The New Concept of a Magnetic Field Pattern.
Contrary to the definitions of Magnetic Fields as expressed on the internet here https://byjus.com/physics/magnetic-field/ "Field lines is an alternative way to represent the information contained within a magnetic vector field. Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines." We do not agree as they are real “Waves” of ‘energy’ that effect matter as they PASS through it, giving us ‘electricity’ by vibrating the Atomic Crystalline Structure of the conductor. “Information contained” literally translates to ‘we don’t know why these exist but they do something so it’s ‘talking to’ other objects. Joe refers to these Fields “talking to each other”, when Fields interact. A Vibrating Field, like a tuning fork has a 2 Way Movement resulting in a 2 Way Flow of Energy in ALL matter as all matter vibrates. This gives rise to the Infinity Loop of Magnetic Energy generating a Field in any ‘lump’ of matter as all matter is magnetic crystals.
These Field Lines, represented by iron filings, should be thought of as the Wave Troughs where Compression forces coagulate (the iron filings) with the implosive forces, as per their North Pole ‘Field Effect’. The opposite of these North Pole Field Lines are the gaps between the iron filing lines where South Pole ‘expansion’ or explosive Positive forces constitute the Wave form. Calling it a ‘vector field’, implies a 3D format without having to explain the Magnetic Fields or Waves around a magnet or what the lines actually represent. It is these waves of “imaginary lines” of alternating expansion and compression as Forces that act upon the Iron core to vibrate the irons crystalline structure and these Field vibrations are ‘collected’ as electricity by coiling insulated copper wire around the iron core. As with everything, each ‘end’ of the wire is opposite Polarity.
These Waves of Force can then thus be made Mono pole by combing same poles together to exhibit compression or implosion forces that can be FOCUSED when used in a water pipe scenario for example. We can simulate either implosion or expansion forces upon the water. North Pole implosion energy ‘cleans’ water and South Pole energy ‘dirties’ water. Implosion forces condense air to make rain, cleaning the ‘Wind’ into pure rain water.
These Vortex like Waves from the Poles, can be Focused to a POINT inside a pipe, within the Field (Neutral Centre or Equilibrium) or they can be dispersed along the pipe giving us 2 more Field Effects besides just the reversal of the same Poles together. These many other effects depends upon the material used to construct the pipe used in an In Line Magnetic Cell.
This is but a small part of Joe's IP of Neutral Plates, Neutral Centre, Same Pole and associated Field Generation Principles to create New Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Water. Joe began this several years before Q Mechanics was written. Joe has re-introduced Magnetic Field Science as Unified Field Principles with many different designs and applications. This Same Pole IP is as ‘alien’ to modern Physics as it gets. We can utilize these methodologies in water Cells, coils as well as magnets and electricity generation by how they are combined, powered and wound. In actual effect, a practical Unified Mono Field can be made to repel from or attract to, the earths Field.
In this demo, https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-li...resh..html
The IP of a Neutral Plate (like the non electrified tubes in a Joe TubeCell) is placed between the two same poles on a pair ferrite ring magnets. This 3 component, dimension critical, 'array' of magnets, is then slid over a water pipe and in the video above there are 2 of these arrays in the JoeCell.
The Plates in a car battery can ‘act’ like Neutral Plates and there is ‘same Pole’ technology available within car battery designs to give this Mono Pole technology in an ‘electrical’ application rather than a dynamic fluid In Line Magnetic Cell application.
In the video above they are NN poles together. Joining SS poles together, the water, instead of being ‘restructured’ into ‘fresh’, would turn into oil which is ‘rusty’ water from the ‘oxidation’ forces of South Pole energy. We see this as the ‘rusty brown’ water in an Aqua Chi footbath device where we also see a layer of oily scum around the bathtub of water being ‘made’ from the water by the South Pole Copper Neutral plate between the same Field plates above and below the centre plate.
This “same Pole Field” technology can be applied to how a coil is connected to a battery source and the way the coil and or the Infinity Loop is wound. Same Pole or Mono Poles and Neutral Plates are evident in all JoeCell designs and is the main reason as to their inability to be reversed engineered. The technology inherent in these Cells is not in the vocabulary of Particle Physicists.
Flowing water creates the highest magnetic Field known naturally. The addition of these mono Pole Magnet assemblies interacting with a water pipe constitutes the combining of another Magnetic Field of flowing water to interact with the Same Pole Fields of the ring magnets from a Neutral Plate. Joe amplifies this Field by giving the water entering the Cell a left hand twist with four blades within the Cell. The Combining of Fields, rather than adding of Fields together, effects or changes the resulting Field Patterns in the water or liquid. Like the Crystalline Field Patten changes in Emoto’s crystals. This doesn’t happen when just adding more magnets around a water pipe. What happens is the magnetic properties of water are Charged Up with a new pattern based upon a single Pole effect of cleaning or dirtying. North Pole implosion energy ‘cleans’ water and South Pole expansion energy ‘dirties’ water.
In the above video of sea water into fresh, it does not matter the kind of "water" or liquid flowing through the Magnetic Focal Point or Field. While sea water was used in the above video, this same Magnetic In Line Cell was used on acid mine waste, raw sewerage and even runny concrete and the result was the same. Potable or drinkable water from whatever liquid was pumped through it.
The Magnetics of Same Pole Technology acts on all Tetrahedron crystals, equally. When the waters impurities or dissolved solids, as an elemental ‘signature’ of vibration changes, the Magnetic Resonant Field Patten changes and we see ‘new’ elements or pure water. Some liken this to Fractal geometry of matter without understanding the mechanism to make change. A snow flake is a Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern for that parcel of water vapor that has frozen along the geometry or Field Lines we call impurities within the frozen water vapor pattern. MRF patterns rather than the marble count as the new olde indivisible Atom of Democritus.
Metallurgy of the pipe has an effect on the Field Focus parameters. For example, mild or magnetic iron pipe has a different restructuring effect on the water than a nonmagnetic 316 seamless stainless steel pipe. Of the many 100's of people this has been demonstrated for, it ranks as the most sought after invention that Joe has. Many tried to replicate this and most failed due to not using Ferrite and opted for Neo’s or failed due to the dimensions of the Neutral Plate and other focusing IP.
The Caduceus Coil. http://www.rexresearch.com/smith/caduceus3.htm
“First, this apparatus has zero impedance - unlike an ordinary coil. When fed electrical energy the wire in the Tensor coil does not get hot.”
This ‘coil’ wind exhibits a shift to the Cooler North Pole Field with less heat being generated by this design. Using Infinity Loop designs will give us other Field Effects. How a coil is wound clearly has a bearing on the size and shape and strength and even Polarity of the Field around the coil.
When splitting a wire into two wires in a ‘Y’ fashion, the electrical vibrations see 2 ways to continue and take both. There will be a difference in the vibrational Field effects between the two wires as they are not ‘equal’. They become 2 separate ‘Fields’ or Phases. Using this connection of a JoeCell sees two Plates with difference ‘frequencies’ and the Field is no longer Unified. This creates conflicting Fields when one is aspiring to a Unified Field. Without unity, there can be no ‘singular’ kind of water as the outcome or output from the device.
In the ConeCell by Joe, where there can be 7,8 or 9 stainless steel milk separating cones. Generally 3 of them are activated. So a wire travels down to the first cone and then on to the next cone when 2 are being electrified with the same pole from a battery. Some people (like me) had 2 wires going to the 2 cones. This ‘sees’ that the 2 cones have ‘different’ vibrations rather than sharing the same source vibration. Sometimes we want 1+1 = 1.
The Silver Generator has 4 rods to ‘electrify’ and there is a difference between wiring it the 2 different ways. These two ‘devices’ (Silver Generator and the ConeCell) create a Magnetic Field using water as the Field ‘Coil’, so to speak. Which means if there is a different effect for each wiring diagram, it means two distinct Magnetic Fields. I did same for the Silver Generator and wired it up the first time in a Y pattern probably just so I would learn the difference in ‘taste’. This was a common mistake for most JoeCell experimenters.
There is even a different Field generated in a JoeCell, if the Positive is connected first to the Cell rather than correctly attaching the Negative to the Cell first and taking the Negative off last.
A ‘battery’ or source of ‘electricity’ comprises 2 different frequencies in close proximity in a shared medium. The infinity circuit may become a ‘battery’ if its split into 2 phases by a Y junction and used for that purpose. Some manufacturers have slipped up and made Wall Wart chargers that have continuous output of up to 10 milli Amps. A Static Trickle Charger from coils. Tesla preferred iron electrical wire rather than copper which again opens up coil designs to another level. We only think copper is better.
In the Gold Generator with 5 rods to create a Magnetic Field in and of the water, we see the 4 outside rods are joined by a ‘twisted’ Loop, so each rod has two connections to the wire that comes from a single Pole or the Negative terminal of the power source. This means each rod vibrates from ‘two’ sources’ as the Y split is just a Loop joining back to itself, giving us 4 different frequencies each rod is subjected to. As each rod is a different ‘mass’ this additional Field Effect makes each of the 4 Rods Vibrate ‘out of tune’ to each other but yet with the Base Frequency of Gold. This means each rod TALKS or conducts, which is transmitting and receiving vibrations from every other rod including the Centre Positive. This creation of an infinity of electrical pathways for vibrations through the water, is the ‘mechanism’ for Magnetic Water. All JoeCells have nothing to do with 2 wire ‘electrolysis’. With multi wires there is electrification or magnet-ification of the water by using the water as like the iron Core in a Coil.
Water is ‘Charged Up’ magnetically and permanently as in it changes its magnetic Memory which can only be done if water is a magnetic fluid in the first place. If we soak the container the Cell is placed in before using it, with say, engine oil, this frequency will constitute the Global Frequency for the Field to emulate, negating the Mind over matter aspect of this Field Science I mention often. Allowing anyone to do it using the scientific Principles of Combining Magnetic Fields for budding Alchemists.
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